[Mac-BR] MacBook Pro

Filipe Diniz diniz em m1nd.com
Segunda Dezembro 29 11:00:58 PST 2008

Hi Steve, please let me know if you have anyone interested in a  
(cheaper) MacBook Pro with the specifications bellow:

     * Macbook Pro 15 - inch
     * 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 duo
     * 4GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM 2x2GB
     * 200GB Serial ATA @ 7200 rpm
     * Super Drive (DVD-R e CD-R)
     * Glossy Widescreen Display

Kind regards,

Filipe Diniz
email: diniz em m1nd.com
esc: (021)2205-0980
mob: (021) 9132-0101
fax: (021)2551-8477
Follow us at: http://twitter.com/M1ndLab

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