[Mac-BR] Fwd: bateria macbook pro

Davi C. Rodrigues davi.c.rodrigues em gmail.com
Terça Abril 27 17:56:39 PDT 2010

Fargas, obrigado por nos contar sobre sua experiência com a bateria. Mas
segundo minha experiência acho que seguir à risca o procedimento sugerido é
trabalho desnecessário.

Minha situação é a seguinte: tenho um macbook faz um pouco mais de 2 anos
também, e o iStat informa que a saúde da bateria está em 100% e esta está no
ciclo 118. Por que tanto ciclos? Além de eventualmente o usar sem estar
plugado, eu dificilmente desligo o meu laptop e deixo ele em sleep mode
enquanto o estou transportando.

Eventualmente eu uso meu mac até ele chegar abaixo de 15% de energia de
bateria. Mas isso ocorre de forma natural em torno de 1 vez a cada 2 meses.
Não me lembro se alguma vez chegou a ficar com menos de 5% de bateria.
Também nunca esperei as tais 5 horas com bateria zerada ou quase zerada para
depois começar a recarregar.

Considero que a saúde de minha bateria está muito boa, senão perfeita. Se a
vida útil da bateria é estimada em 300 ciclos, isto me leva a crer que a
minha tem ainda ao menos mais uns 2 anos e meio. Uns 5 anos de vida útil de
bateria me parece um tempo já extraordinário.


On 27 April 2010 21:15, Fargas <fargas em viralata.com.br> wrote:

> Eu sei que a pergunta nao e' exatamente sobre isso, mas achei legal falar
> da minha experiencia com bateria de macbook.
> - - -
> Quando comprei o meu, dois anos atras, levei um susto quando vi que a
> bateria durava muito pouco.
> O conselho inicial que tive na epoca, de um tecnico de Mac, era esgotar a
> bateria toda antes de dar outra carga.
> E nao usar o macbook plugado na energia nunca.
> Mas depois, pesquisando no forum do site da Apple descobri que nao era nada
> disso.
> A gente pode trabalhar plugado, sempre que possivel, e deve fazer a
> calibragem a cada dois meses.
> Faz dois anos que tenho meu macbook e a bateria esta' apenas no seu 41º
> ciclo. Em otimo estado.
> Se tivesse feito o que o tecnico me disse quando comprei a maquina,
> provavelmente ja' teria trocado de bateria umas duas vezes, ja' que a vida
> util e' de cerca de 300 ciclos.
> - - -
> Para quem quiser saber mais estou reproduzindo a seguir a conversa que tive
> no forum, e a maneira de calibrar a bateria, retirada dio site da Apple.
> (me desculpem se isso for muito obvio para esta lista):
> - - -
> Hy all...
> I've bought my first notebook (a Macbook 2.2) and I'm not sure about the
> best way to use the battery, in order to optimize your life time
> I have entered in several forums (besides of own Apple) but I didn't find
> an exact answer for this subject.
> I heard people saying that they uses the macbook without battery, just
> linked in the energy. They said they only use the battery when they are in
> transit.
> Others say that it uses the battery in the notebook the whole time, but
> with the charger connected and that they drains the battery once a week.
> Another one said that he makes the same previous procedure, but he drains
> the battery once a month.
> A friend of mine guarantees that the correct way is to use the battery
> every time till to drain out, and to give the complete recharge every time.
> A detail: I usually work in a G5 it desk top in my office, and I'm using
> the Macbook more home, fixed.
> And I take him with me when I am going to a customer, to present some work,
> or in the University where I study.
> I want to say that, I use him more indoor instead outdoor.
> Finally, would anybody know better, how can I use my Macbook, in way to
> prolong the useful life of the battery?
> Thanks in advance
> MacBook 2.2   Mac OS X (10.5)   2.5 Gb memory
> - - - - - -
> Welcome to the forums.
> Fargas wrote:
> I heard people saying that they uses the macbook without battery, just
> linked in the energy. They said they only use the battery when they are in
> transit.
> *Not a good idea. See this. Apple MacBook and MacBook Pro: Reduces
> processor speed when battery is removed while operating from an A/C adaptor
> *
> Others say that it uses the battery in the notebook the whole time, but
> with the charger connected and that they drains the battery once a week.
> *Not necessary to do this once a week. When you calibrate your battery
> will be fine. See my list below.*
> Another one said that he makes the same previous procedure, but he drains
> the battery once a month.
> *Good way but best to do a calibration when doing this.*
> A friend of mine 'guarantees' that the correct way is to use the battery
> every time till to drain out, and to give the complete recharge every time.
> *This was done in NiCad days. Li-Ion batteries do not need this. It will
> only give you the opportunity to purchase a new battery a lot sooner than
> you should have to. Tell your friend to read up on Li-Ion batteries.*
> A detail: I usually work in a G5 it desk top in my office, and I'm using
> the Macbook more home, fixed.
> *I use mine this way also. Mine is only unplugged when I calibrate my
> battery every two months.*
> Finally, would anybody know better, how can I use my Macbook, in way to
> prolong the useful life of the battery?
> *This is what I normally recommend to questions such as this. Please feel
> free to ask if your unclear on any advice.*
> It is OK to leave your battery hooked to the charger most of the time. The
> only time I unhook mine from the charger is when I calibrate. Have you
> calibrated your batteryyet? You should calibrate every two months or so to
> keep the battery fully functioning. If you use your MacBook infrequently,
> it’s best to re-calibrate the battery at least once a month.
> *- - -*
> *
> Calibrate the battery in your MacBook or MacBook Pro every month or two to
> keep your battery functioning at its fullest capacity.
> To calibrate the battery:
>   1. Plug in the MagSafe power adapter and fully charge the MacBook or
> MacBook Pro battery until the light on the MagSafe connector changes to
> green and the Battery icon in the menu bar indicates that the battery is
> fully charged.
>    2. Allow the battery to rest in the fully charged state for two hours or
> longer. You may use your computer during this time as long as the power
> adapter is plugged in.
>    3. Disconnect the power adapter with the computer on and start using it
> with battery power. When the battery's charge gets low, you’ll see the low
> battery warning dialog on the screen.
>    4. Continue to keep your computer turned on until it goes to sleep. Save
> your work and close all applications when the battery's charge gets low and
> before the computer goes to sleep.
>    5. Turn off the computer or allow it to sleep for five hours or longer.
>    6. Reconnect the power adapter and leave it connected until the battery
> is fully charged. You may use your computer during this time.
> Repeat the calibration process every two months or so to keep the battery
> fully functioning. If you use your MacBook or MacBook Pro infrequently, it’s
> best to recalibrate the battery at least once a month.
> - - -
> Abs
> *
> fLavio fArgas
> - - -
> iLustrador
> www.fauhaus.com.br
> http://blog.mg.gov.br/serie-ilustradores-flavio-fargas/
> - - -
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